ACCORD attends African Solidarity Initiative planning

ACCORD has participated in the African Solidarity Initiative (ASI) planning meeting that was hosted by the African Union/ Post Conflict Reconstruction and Development (AU/PCRD) in the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa on 18 April 2013. The ASI is a new initiative spearheaded by the AU/PCRD aimed at mobilizing efforts and commitments in supporting post conflict reconstruction and development of African countries. Post conflict reconstruction and development in Africa is strategic in the work of ACCORD and the meeting provided the opportunity for ACCORD’s contributions and engagements in strengthening policy approaches towards African countries emerging from conflicts.


The aims of the meeting were to update the core group of partners about the ASI road map planning that was held in Johannesburg, South Africa in October 2012 and to plan for the upcoming African Solidarity Conference (ASC) expected to take place in September 2013. The meeting was attended by several officials from the African Union, the United Nations system, Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), Donor partners and International Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs).

The ASC is expected to bring together all member states of the AU together in support of the ASI and preparations in getting commitments from member states was crucial during the meeting’s deliberations. In preparations for the ASC, key areas of focus that were discussed include the need for the promotion of advocacy, coordination of activities by the ASI Secretariat, public outreach and awareness, mapping of capacity building institutions in Africa, mapping of Intra- African Technical Schemes and finalizing relevant documents for the conference.

ACCORD expressed commitment in undertaking the mapping of the Intra-African Technical Schemes ahead of the conference in support of the ASI. This initiative would contribute towards a better understanding on how technical cooperation in Africa contribute towards post-conflict reconstruction and development and how these schemes can be better coordinated and efficiently utilised in supporting countries emerging from conflicts. ACCORD remains committed in supporting the policy approaches and implementations of the African Union in enhancing post-conflict reconstruction and development of African countries.

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