ACCORD and AU hold virtual dialogue on Continental Framework on Youth Peace and Security

Source: Flickr

Unpacking the fifth priority of the AU Continental Framework of Youth Peace and Security

The challenges surrounding the repatriation, resettlement, disarmament, de-radicalization, demobilization, rehabilitation, and reintegration of youth remain a threat to Africa’s peace and security today. As such, ACCORD, and the African Union’s Youth for Peace Program (Y4P), co-hosted an Inter-Generational Dialogue (IGD) on the fifth priority of the Continental Framework on Youth Peace and Security (AU-CFYPS): Disengagement and Reintegration. 

The two-hour virtual dialogue took place on 3 December 2021 and brought together a diverse group of speakers with various backgrounds and areas of expertise. The panellists included Ms. Rose Mbone, Founder of The Legend Kenya, and an experienced in peace building, disarmament, reintegration, trauma healing and resilience awareness; Mr. Michel Chikwanine, former youth combatant and currently a motivational speaker, humanitarian, and an established writer; Mr. Kennedy Walusala, the President Emeritus of the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR) Multifunctional Youth Forum; and Dr Paul Nyulaku, Conflict Advisor to the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office in Nigeria. Each shared their thoughts and recommendations on the disengagement and reintegration of youth involved in violent conflict and unpacked the relevant continental, regional, and national mechanisms and policies in place.   

Ms Savannah Wilmot, Program Officer at ACCORD, and Dr Rhuks Ako, Senior Analyst within the Political Affairs, Peace and Security Department of the African Union Commission (AUC), moderated the session, which was opened by Mr Philip Visser, ACCORD’s Manager of Applied Knowledge and Learning. In his remarks, Mr Visser provided anecdotal insights to disengagement and reintegration and highlighted the importance of providing former youth combatants with sustainable alternative economic opportunities so that they can rediscover their place in society. The subsequent panel discussion highlighted the importance of community acceptance, the systemic nature of the challenges around disengagement and reintegration, and the importance of holistic interventions that ensure the psychosocial and economic well-being of former youth combatants. 

ACCORD co-hosted a series of IGD’s with the AU Youth for Peace Program (Y4P), discussing all the different priority areas of the AU-CFYPS. Each dialogue contributed to familiarising youth on the continent with the framework so as to strengthen the continent’s youth, peace and security agenda. All IGD recordings can be found on ACCORDs Facebook page.

Click here » to view the IGD on Disengagement & Reintegration.

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