Tor Sellström, a former Senior Advisor at ACCORD, has been awarded an honorary doctorate in Peace and Conflict Research by the University of Uppsala, Sweden.

Tor Sellström has spent much of his working life linking aid, practice and academia, with a special interest in Africa. His rich experience, vast knowledge and extensive network of contacts led to his appointment as Senior Advisor at ACCORD from January 2006 until July 2010. He has worked for Sida, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in South Africa and NEPRU in Namibia. Sellström is now working at the Nordic Africa Institute, where he led and implemented the 1994-2001 study and analysis of the Nordic countries’ role in Southern African liberation processes. Sellström is the author or editor of the resulting six published volumes from this project.
Only one other Swede has received this distinction, with the honorary doctorate in Peace and Conflict Research previously awarded to: Kofi Annan, Jan Eliasson, Bruce M. Russett, Jo Ann Tickner and Johan Galtung. The awards ceremony will take place in January 2011.