Political unrest or violence

All the other categories that are being tracked by this Monitor may, in one or other form, contribute to the likelihood of social unrest or violence. Such incidents, if they occur, would have a negative impact on the ability of the state, and other social institutions, to contain the spread of the virus and to care for its victims. In those countries that have already had pre-existing social tensions or violent conflict, the spread of the virus, and the measures taken to contain it, could further exacerbate tensions and/or lead to an increase in violence.
30 Sep 2024

The impacts of climate change on social cohesion and stability in Southern Africa

  • Siyaxola Gadu
  • Ashleigh Basel
  • Gracsious Maviza
  • Cedric de Coning
30 Sep 2024

South Sudan’s Postponed Elections: A Symptom of a Deeper Crisis

  • Catherine Charles Modi Vitaliano

Do you have information to share?

Does any of this information look incorrect to you, or do you have anything to share from your experience on the ground in an African country?

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ACCORD recognizes its longstanding partnerships with the European Union, and the Governments of Canada, Finland, Ireland, Norway, South Africa, Sweden, UK, and USA.