Domestic & Gender-Based Violence

Domestic and gender based violence is expected to increase due to the rising tensions in the health, economic and other sectors. There is growing evidence globally that women and children who are in abusive relationships are at risk in places where governments have implemented social-distancing and lockdown measures. This is due to the fact that under lockdown and social-distancing measures they may not have immediate access to formal and civil society institutions who normally provide counselling, psycho-social support and other coping mechanisms.
30 Sep 2024

The impacts of climate change on social cohesion and stability in Southern Africa

  • Siyaxola Gadu
  • Ashleigh Basel
  • Gracsious Maviza
  • Cedric de Coning
30 Sep 2024

South Sudan’s Postponed Elections: A Symptom of a Deeper Crisis

  • Catherine Charles Modi Vitaliano

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ACCORD recognizes its longstanding partnerships with the European Union, and the Governments of Canada, Finland, Ireland, Norway, South Africa, Sweden, UK, and USA.