Conflict Trends 2024/3

This edition of Conflict Trends begins with an article by Rumbidzaishe Matambo who writes about artisanal mining in Zimbabwe. It discusses the economic and social benefits of small scale artisanal mining in Zimbabwe, as it offers job opportunities and economic stimulation, particularly in rural areas. However, artisanal mining also has many disadvantages, such as environmental damage and […]
Artisanal Mining in Zimbabwe: A Complex Narrative of Balancing Economic Gains and Social Strife

In Zimbabwe, artisanal mining plays a vital role in the informal economy, offering jobs to thousands of people amid widespread unemployment
Conflict Resolution by the African Union: Encounters of Peacekeeping Efforts in Somalia

The aspiration of African Solutions for African Problems, under the norms of the responsibility to protect, prompted the AU to take up this responsibility in Somalia.
Critical Reflections on SADC’s approach to Regional Security: The case of SAMIM

The challenges that peacekeeping, peace enforcement and counterinsurgency missions are facing in executing their mandates were present in SADC’s Mission in Mozambique
The Role of the African Union Peace and Security Council in Promoting the Responsible use of Artificial Intelligence for Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Africa

AI can be of immense assistance to Africa in managing the refugee crisis, however, there is a need for deeper engagement on how these technologies may compromise the rights of refugees and asylum seekers
Analysing the Root Causes of Armed Conflicts in Northern Ethiopia

Despite being undertaken to resolve ethnic conflicts, the federal restructuring of Ethiopia merely changed the conflict dynamics, including decentralising them, while also creating additional local inter-ethnic struggles