
Conflict & Resilience Monitor

The Conflict and Resilience Monitor offers monthly blog-size commentary and analysis on the latest conflict-related trends in Africa.

24 Nov 2021

China-Africa Public Health Cooperation and Vaccine Diplomacy

Malawi quietly making headway with National Peace Architecture

Are “mildly-worded communiques” effective conflict management tools?

19 Nov 2021

ECCAS at 38: Passing and taking up the baton of regional integration

Establishment of an ECCAS Youth Volunteer Corps to strengthen regional solidarity, regional integration and development

The Network of ECCAS Women Mediators in Central Africa

12 Nov 2021

Effective Post-Conflict Reconstruction and Development for Peacebuilding in Africa

Sustaining Post-Conflict Reconstruction and Development through COVID-19 Interventions

COP26: an African perspective

3 Nov 2021

Great Expectations – will COP 26 deliver for Africa?

Industrial and Trade Policy Questions Confronting Africa in a Just Transition to a Lower Carbon Economy

Discourse matters; the net-zero agenda and Africa’s priorities

27 Oct 2021

COP26: Africa’s challenges must steer the climate change conference

The legal status of SADC’s mission in Cabo Delgado

22 Oct 2021

The Value of Fostering a Culture of Peace and Non-violence

The Role of Parliamentarians in the fight against COVID-19

Regional Migration and the COVID-19 Pandemic in South Africa

13 Oct 2021

For the sake of our children and youth: Let us build safer and more harmonious post-COVID-19 societies

Lake Chad Basin and stabilisation in the post-Shekau era

COVID-19 and peacebuilding in Africa: Youth, resilience and innovation options

6 Oct 2021

Civil society and stabilization in the Lake Chad region

Is the women, peace and security (WPS) agenda useful in non-war contexts? The case of Eswatini

A crowded place with few solutions: old and new players in the geopolitics of the Sahel

30 Sep 2021

Africa’s experiences in managing political diversity and competitive electoral politics

Coups in Africa: No end in sight and where is ECOWAS and the African Union

Coup resurgence in Africa: The pitfalls of a regional response

22 Sep 2021

Africa’s Youth: A Hope for the Future

Is There Any COVID-19 Vaccine Production in Africa?

Africa’s Young People Innovate in the Face of COVID-19

15 Sep 2021

People-centred pathways to sustain peace in Cabo Delgado

Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on migrant remittances in Africa

Leveraging Networked Multilateralism for Effective Peace Support Operations in Africa

8 Sep 2021

Sino-African cooperation in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic

China’s Role in COVID-19 in Africa: Tuánjié (Solidarity) or Zhànlüè (Strategy)?

A renewed discourse on managing inclusive transitions in Africa

ACCORD recognizes its longstanding partnerships with the European Union, and the Governments of Canada, Finland, Ireland, Norway, South Africa, Sweden, UK, and USA.