
Conflict & Resilience Monitor

The Conflict and Resilience Monitor offers monthly blog-size commentary and analysis on the latest conflict-related trends in Africa.

22 Sep 2022

Global geopolitical competition hits Africa: Can it maintain its voice?

African Governments and their international partners need to boost Africa’s resilience to the food insecurity caused by the Ukraine war

Regulatory gaps in fisheries governance in Africa: security risks and implications

25 Aug 2022

Ending the conflict in Tigray: Negotiations and key issues

South Sudan’s Transition: Young Refugees and the 24-Month Extension

MONUSCO’s credibility crisis: The illusion of peace through the international community?

28 Jul 2022

Violent conflict exacerbates Ethiopia’s vulnerability to climate change

How the nomination of the ‘Iron Lady’ has influenced Kenya’s 2022 general elections

Diplomatic Tensions Between the DRC and Rwanda

23 Jun 2022

Solutions to forced displacements in the Central African region

Lasting peace remains elusive in Ethiopia despite progress towards peace talks to end the armed conflict

What Lesotho can teach Eswatini and South Africa about key political reforms

26 May 2022

The United Nations Priority for Africa: Approaching Instability Through the Peace and Development Nexus

Key questions about recent coups in Africa

Hot-Air or a Resurgence? Making Sense of Unconstitutional Changes in Government in Africa

13 Apr 2022

Ukraine Conflict – Implications and Opportunities for Africa

Grappling with and Adapting to Climate Change in South Sudan

Fixing the Lake Chad crisis from the bottom-up

10 Mar 2022

Strengthening the Role of Women at the Grassroots Level: A Tribute to Local Women in South Africa Breaking Gendered Barriers


The Rights of Women in Africa: Achievements, Challenges, and the Opportunities

10 Feb 2022

Africa-Europe Summit: A common agenda around climate change?

Africans Welcome China’s Role in Peace and Security, but are Pushing for Greater Agency and Responsibility

Exit of AMISOM: Consolidating Gains and Charting New Trajectories in the African Union Presence in Somalia

20 Dec 2021

Democracy is increasingly under pressure in South Africa and elsewhere in Africa

African Union shows global leadership on the climate-peace nexus

Bottom-up approaches to peace: a holistic approach to conflict prevention and peacebuilding

10 Dec 2021

Navigating Sudan’s quest for democratic transition

The Dragon’s Game in the Sahel

Reflecting on 6 years of Youth, Peace and Security

1 Dec 2021

Is sovereign debt impeding Africa’s COVID-19 recovery?

East Africa’s terrorism hotspots: examining the roots and solutions

Omicron in Botswana

24 Nov 2021

China-Africa Public Health Cooperation and Vaccine Diplomacy

Malawi quietly making headway with National Peace Architecture

Are “mildly-worded communiques” effective conflict management tools?

ACCORD recognizes its longstanding partnerships with the European Union, and the Governments of Canada, Finland, Ireland, Norway, South Africa, Sweden, UK, and USA.