Women, Peace & Security

Reframing Women’s Roles in Peace Processes: Beyond the Negotiating Table

A policy brief written by Anjali Dayal and Agathe Christien and published in February 2020, provides a systematic review of women’s extensive and varied involvement in informal peace processes.

Some important key findings include:

  • Women advocate for peace in a variety of different ways, even when formal negotiations are closed to them, including meaningful advocacy for a more gender-just post-conflict society;
  • Supporting women in their informal efforts to shape the peace is as important of a goal as advocating for more women at the formal negotiating table;
  • Women who are excluded from formal negotiations have voices that deserve amplification, alternative visions of the peace that warrant consideration, and roles to play in helping societies confront the complex legacies of conflict; and
  • Better incorporating women’s Track II initiatives into formal peace processes would offer a more comprehensive and inclusive approach to peacebuilding.

The full policy brief can be found here.


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