Women, Peace & Security

In the News: Wednesday, 2 September 2020

New Report:  From Insights to Action: Gender equality in the Wake of COVID-19

Source: UN Women / Ginette Azcona, Antra Bhatt, Jessamyn Encarnacion, Juncal Plazaola-Castaño, Papa Seck, Silke Staab, and Laura Turquet

The impacts of crises are never gender-neutral, and COVID‑19 is no exception. This publication summarizes data, research, and policy work by UN Women’s Policy and Programme Division on the pandemic’s impact on women and girls, including the impact on extreme poverty, employment, health, unpaid care, and violence against women and girls. The publication also brings into focus the paucity of gender data and calls for greater investment and prioritization of data on the gendered effects of the crisis. The report draws on the UN Secretary-General’s policy brief on the impact of COVID-19 on women, UN Women’s “Spotlight on gender, COVID-19 and the SDGs”, UN Women thematic policy briefs focused on COVID-19, as well emerging data from UN Women’s rapid gender assessments. New estimates on extreme poverty by sex and age presented in the publication are the outcome of a UN Women–UNDP collaboration with the Frederick S. Pardee Center for International Futures at the University of Denver.

Find the report here.

Indonesia’s UN Security Council Drive for Inclusive Peace and Security

Source: Monash Univeristy / Irine Hiraswari Gayatri, Nuri Widiastuti Veronika & Jacqui True

Indonesia last month assumed the presidency of the UN Security Council for the second time during its 2019-2020 tenure as a non-permanent member. Consistent with the country’s campaign for the Security Council seat, which focused on “Investing in Peace”, in its first presidency in May 2019 Indonesia oversaw the adoption of four resolutions on UN peace operations and issued the first presidential statement aimed at strengthening the training and capacity of peacekeepers. Notably, in its second presidency, Indonesia has explicitly taken up the issue of women’s roles in peacekeeping and peacebuilding. It has secured a new resolution adopted on 29 August that combines the elements of the peacekeeping agenda and the women, peace and security (WPS) agenda – a focus on the differential gender impacts of conflict and the need for gender-equal participation. This Indonesian-sponsored resolution encourages the 193 UN member states “to develop strategies and measures to increase the deployment of uniformed women to peacekeeping operations”, including by providing access to information and training and “identifying and addressing barriers in the recruitment, deployment, and promotion of uniformed women peacekeepers”.

Read more here.


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