Women, Peace & Security

In the News: Tuesday, 14 July 2020

‘Women Rise for All’ to Shape Leadership in Pandemic Response and Recovery

Source: UN News

“Over the past months, people around the world have come to see what many of us already knew: women’s leadership makes a profound difference”, Amina Mohammed said on Tuesday.

“The evidence has shown — in country after country — how governments led by women are more effective in flattening the curve and positioning for economic recovery.”

Ms. Mohammed was addressing Women Rise for All, a virtual gathering of influential women from across different regions, sectors and generations, to examine how their leadership is shaping pandemic response and recovery that benefits all people.

“We want to shape the way we define leadership. And ensure that we emerge from this pandemic with women leading, in equal numbers, and equal partnership”, she explained.

Read the full story here.

The Shadow Pandemic: Violence Against Women During COVID-19

Source: UN Women

UN Women has created a webpage dedicated to the rise of violence against women during the COVID-19 pandemic. The page features information on UN Women’s campaign, fast facts, ways to take action, information on what UN Women is doing to address the issue, and many other useful resources.

The webpage can be found here.

Joint Statement by the Special Rapporteur and the EDVAW Platform of Women’s Rights Mechanisms on Covid-19 and the Increase in Violence and Discrimination Against Women

Source: UN Human Rights Office of the Commissioner

GENEVA (14 July 2020) – In the context of the current global Covid-19 pandemic the EDVAW Platform of 7 independent United Nations and regional expert mechanisms on violence against women and women’s rights* jointly call upon all States and relevant stakeholders worldwide to take urgent steps to combat the global pandemic of gender based violence against women with particular focus on domestic violence, by ensuring ‘Peace at home’ during lockdown and integrating the elimination of discrimination and gender based violence against women in the COVID 19 recovery phase and beyond.

Read the full statement here.

Women as Drivers of Economic Recovery and Resilience During COVID-19 and Beyond

Source: UN Women

Statement by UN Women and Women 20 (W20) to G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors

The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered a massive global economic downturn with global growth projected at –4.9 per cent for 2020. Working-hour losses are estimated to reach 14 per cent worldwide in the second quarter of 2020, equivalent to 400 million full-time jobs. G20 economies have introduced a firepower support package of USD 8 trillion to cushion households and businesses and facilitate recovery. It is vital that these major efforts address women’s distinct economic roles, contributions and constraints, and make the most of this opportunity to put women at the centre of investment design to realize sustainable recovery.

Read the full statement here.

A Vision for Feminist Peace

Source: LSE Centre for Women, Peace & Security / Louise Arimatsu, Christine Chinkin and Keina Yoshida

Across the world, women’s and feminist groups are using legal and policy tools creatively to advance equal rights. Yet transformative change remains slow. Women are still fighting for equality in all spheres of life. Peace remains an elusive goal. Ahead of a digital programme of events “Visions of Feminist Peace” Louise Arimatsu, Christine Chinkin and Keina Yoshida discuss how visions of feminist peace can address these issues, re-centre the principles of peace in international law and help transform everyday structural inequalities. 

Read the full article here.


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