Women, Peace & Security

In the News: Thursday, 24 September 2020

UN agencies, together with the Global Campaign for Equal Nationality Rights, call for reform of nationality laws that discriminate on the basis of gender

Source: UN Women

At a high level event on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly, UN Women, the UN Development Programme, UNHCR, and the Global Campaign for Equal Nationality Rights called for reform of nationality laws that discriminate on the basis of gender. Twenty-five countries retain nationality laws that deny women the right to confer citizenship on their children on an equal basis with men. More than fifty countries have nationality laws with gender-discriminatory provisions, with most denying women the same right as men to pass nationality to a non-citizen spouse.

Read more here.

Support us in responding to humanitarian crises, female activists in Bangladesh say

Source: UN Women

Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh — Female leaders have called for greater efforts to promote women on the front lines in responding to humanitarian crises in Bangladesh.

A diverse group of women front line-humanitarian workers and leaders from Rohingya and host communities spoke at an online forum on Feminism: Diverse Women as First Responders. The forum was hosted by the ISCG Gender Hub on 19 August to mark World Humanitarian Day and the third anniversary of the influx of Rohingya refugees from Myanmar into Cox’s Bazar in south-eastern Bangladesh. The Gender Hub, formed by UN Women and hosted by the ISCG Secretariat, works to strengthen accountability of all humanitarian actors on gender equality and empowerment of Rohingya refugee and host community women and girls.

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Tired of conflict, Thailand’s deep south women are on the front lines of peace

Source: The New Humanitarian

Years of conflict and violence have divided communities in Thailand’s deep south. Pateemoh Poh-Itaeda-oh is one of a growing number of women trying to build peace by bringing them together.

In Thailand’s southernmost provinces, militants are fighting for greater autonomy for the region’s Malay Muslim minority within Buddhist-majority Thailand. More than 7,000 people have died since conflict escalated in 2004. The violence comes from all sides: Insurgents have attacked government targets including civilians; Thai security forces are accused of rights abuses in counterstrikes and anti-insurgency operations. Tensions among Malay Muslim and Thai Buddhist communities have simmered as the conflict wears on.

“For the last 16 years, families have been torn apart after losing loved ones,” said Pateemoh, who heads the Association of Women for Peace, known as We Peace, based in Yala province along Thailand’s southern edge. “They leave behind sons, daughters, nieces, nephews, and so many broken homes.”

High-level peace talks have so far failed to bring an end to the conflict. Tired of the violence and worried by growing tensions, women like Pateemoh are working to build more organic reconciliation and understanding at the community level.

Read more here.


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