Women, Peace & Security

Call to action: Now and the future, COVID-19 and gender equality, global peace and security

The NGO Gender Action for Peace and Security (GAPS UK) has released a paper with a call to action to address the deeply gendered impacts of COVID-19.

Below is a summary of the paper found on the website:

This paper sets out the already immediate and long-term impacts of COVID-19 with recommendation to the international community, including the UK Government to implement as they respond to this global pandemic. 2020 marks the 20th anniversary of UNSCR and the 25th anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action. What was due to be a global moment of celebration, is now when the world needs to work together to implement the Women, Peace and Security agenda and ensure that global responses to COVID-19 do not deepen gender inequalities. Instead, the global response to COVID-19 must be explicitly gendered and prioritise peace.

Read the call to action here.


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