ACCORD plans Phase Four of the TfP Programme
ACCORD staff recently flew to Oslo, Norway, to participate in planning the fourth phase of the Training for Peace Programme ...
ACCORD staff recently flew to Oslo, Norway, to participate in planning the fourth phase of the Training for Peace Programme ...
ACCORD’s Training for Peace (TfP) Programme at ACCORD and the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI) supported the United Nations ...
ACCORD’s Training for Peace (TfP) Programme conducted an in-mission Conflict Management for Peacekeepers and Peacebuilders Course for the United Nations ...
ACCORD’s Training for Peace Programme (TfP) Programme conducted a three day Conflict Management for Peacekeepers and Peacebuilders Course for the ...
ACCORD’s Peacekeeping Analyst, Gustavo de Carvalho, recently joined Chiefs of Civil Affairs from UN field missions to discuss and coordinate ...
Unique opportunity to exchange ideas and insights given to youth leaders and security forces during ACCORD's organised discussion.
Strengthening the conflict-management and analytical skills of the International Foundation for Electoral Systems in Bujumbura.
Senior Trainer and Advisor to ACCORD, Mr Cedric de Coning. has published two new research papers exploring different aspects of ...
Concrete steps must be taken to strengthen the United Nations Peacebuilding Commission (PBC) ability to help countries emerging from conflict, ...
Sierra Leone and its people were honoured with the Africa Peace Award for overcoming civil war and achieving democracy.
Chairperson of the African Union Commission, Dr Jean Ping, officially opened a new wing of ACCORD offices on Friday 30 ...
ACCORD, in its 18 years of finding African solutions to African challenges has moved from experience to excellence in being ...
ACCORD's Burundi Intervention aims to create collaborations in order to maintain peace during the country's upcoming elections.
View a selection of pictures from the recent ACCORD training for civilian peacekeepers: the Train-the-Trainer course in conflict management for UN ...
The ACCORD Peacemaking Unit hosted project management and joint steering committee meetings for its African Union (AU) Mediation Support Project, ...
The ACCORD Peacemaking Unit hosted a curriculum development workshop and training support group meeting in Durban from 23 – 25 ...
The country's commitment to peace has resulted in two peaceful democratic votes after the ending of a decade-long civil ...
ACCORD prepares Burundian authorities for the country's upcoming election – which is foreseen to be a politically volatile situation.