ACCORD’s Training Unit collaborates with IGAD to train women mediators from Sudan and South Sudan
Twenty Sudanese and South Sudanese women participated in training focused on ensuring inclusion of women in IGAD peace processes.
Twenty Sudanese and South Sudanese women participated in training focused on ensuring inclusion of women in IGAD peace processes.
Training programme offered to youth representatives of Burundi's political parties, with the aim of minimising violence during their 2015 ...
ACCORD contributes to the United Nations Development Programme's Experts Consultation held in Johannesburg.
ACCORD makes constructive contributions to reviewing the ATJPF draft policy.
Research to improve policies and capacity building for police component of peace operations – with particular focus on UNAMID.
ACCORD's training programmes aim to improve the Somalian army's compliance with International Human Rights Laws.
Latest Policy & Practice Brief examines Africa's progress towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals.
SADC exercise held in Lesotho aims to test the operational readiness and capability of the Africa Standby Force.
ACCORD presented with prestigious award for peaceful service towards humanity and democracy from the Gandhi Development Trust.
Strengthening partnerships between the UN's internal departments and external collaborators and organisations.
ACCORD's workshop for electoral officials aims to instil constructive methods of election dispute mitigation and important principles of negotiation.
ACCORD devotes Mandela Day to community service at the Abalindi Old Age and Frail Care Home in Inanda, Durban.
Training held in Uganda to address challenges faced by UNMISS officers in accurately analysing conflicts in within the region.
Workshop hosted in Malawi focuses on how to turn the UN's goals and expectations into policy and practice.
Academics and practitioners from Africa and America meet to discuss alternative forms of dispute resolution.
ACCORD provided moderation and delivered presentations at two forums hosted by the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa.
International Association of Peacekeeping Training Centres hosts conference to strengthen understanding of issues faced by African peace operations.
ACCORD represents South Africa in an international meeting of civil society organisations from the Global South.