TfP/ACCORD trains on the gender perspective to peace support operations
One week course held in Kenya aims to make civilians, police and military officers aware of gendered biases.
One week course held in Kenya aims to make civilians, police and military officers aware of gendered biases.
15 participants from South Sudanese government and civil society embarked on a week long study tour to Pretoria.
25 participants hailing from more than 10 African countries convened to assess the shortcomings of existing peacekeeping operations.
The forum provides a platform to assess threats that undermine the efforts and achievements of current peace operations.
Academic arguments as to why inter-provincial hostilities persist in the DRC despite recovery initiatives implemented in the country.
ACCORD continues its collaboration with the African Union in efforts to bring peace to the continent.
The AU Commission is finalising work with Regional Economic Committees in establishing the AU Civilian Standby Roster.
Contributing towards an integrated gender course for police advisors in peace missions.
Bolstering the institutional mechanisms that are meant to inhibit sexual abuses from taking place in conflict situations.
Exchanging ideas on common areas of engagement with the African Union Commission's Office of the High Commissioner for Human ...
Workshop organised by African Peace Support Trainers Association provides an opportunity to contribute towards efforts of AU Commission.
Investigating the role of civilians in the African Union's Peace Support Operations.
Training workshop in Burundi aimed at enhancing knowledge and imparting mediation skills.
ACCORD releases its Peacekeeping Unit's flagship publication.
The AU's Golden Jubilee Retreat was held under the theme of promoting peace, security and stability in Africa.
Cementing the AUC's partnership with Regional Economic Communities through the Pan African Network of the Wise.
Parliamentarians discuss and analyse the causes and ramifications of conflict-induced migration in our era of unprecedented mobility.
Religious peace conference held under the theme of Religions and Cultures in Dialogue 100 Years after WWI.