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COVID-19 testing

Will Africa rise in the midst and aftermath of COVID-19?

ACCORD addresses ANC International Relations Africa Day Webinar.

ACCORD Africa Day 2020

Africa Day 2020: We must all work towards the Africa we want!

This Africa Day, we all must continue to generate innovative ideas on how Silencing the Guns can be used to ...

Webinar screenshot

ACCORD hosts webinar on young people’s responses to COVID19-related peace and security challenges in Africa

Providing agency to youth voices to reflect, and share with others, their experiences on the impact of COVID-19 on their ...

Measuring impact prevention peacebuilding efforts

Measuring the impact of prevention and peacebuilding efforts

Executive Director, Vasu Gounden, presents at 2020 Stockholm Forum on Peace and Development.

Students in Bangui

Implementation Mechanisms for the Central African Republic Peace Agreement

Guiding and monitoring the operations of the implementation of the CAR Peace Agreement.


Is the COVID-19 pandemic affecting the Africa-Europe partnership?

The roundtable discussions were divided into three areas: An African perspective; An European perspective and a Geo-political perspective.

UN Women Cameroon

ACCORD, GIMAC Chair for 2020, attends Steering Committee Meeting

Highlighting the fact that women have the agency, capacity and willingness to effectively respond to the pandemic.

ACCORD 35th GIMAC Pre-Summit Meeting

ACCORD contributes to Recognizing and Amplifying Women and Girl’s Agency to Silence the Guns in Africa

Providing a reflective space for CSOs to review the effectiveness of the AU in mainstreaming gender equality.

effects impacts COVID-19 young people

Virtual dialogue and discussion on the effects and impacts of COVID-19 on young people

A youthful lens of the COVID-19 pandemic.

United Nations Headquarters

United Nations Peacebuilding Architecture under review

Sharing, learning and reflecting on the UN’s role in peacebuilding and sustaining peace.

CAR Peace Agreement

ACCORD supports review of the implementation status of CAR’s Peace Agreement

Bringing together the Guarantors and Facilitators of the Peace Agreement.

Social Distancing

ACCORD participates in a meeting on including Gendered Frameworks in COVID-19 Response and Recovery plans

Following up on the implementation of AU Guidelines on Gender-Responsive Responses to mitigate COVID-19 adverse effects on women and ...

Covid-19 Map

The African Union launches the African Youth Front on Coronavirus

Initiative to create more opportunities for young people’s participation and engagement.

Wiseman Nkuhlu

ACCORD Trustee appointed to serve on the African Union’s COVID-19 Response Fund

Professor Wiseman Lumkile Nkuhlu has been appointed to represent the Southern African region.

UN Security Council

Celebrating our inter-connectedness this International Day of Multilateralism and Diplomacy for Peace

Stronger international cooperation is needed to tackle challenges like climate change, geopolitical tensions, migration and humanitarian crises

Paris Peace Forum Spring Meeting

Paris Peace Forum on-line Spring Meeting

An online discussion between the PPF’s governance bodies and its partners leading up to the November 2020 Forum.

AU peacekeepers

AU Peace and Security Council meet to evaluate the impact of COVID-19 on peace and security in Africa

The 918th Peace and Security Council (PSC) meeting held on 14 April 2020, focused on the impact of the Novel ...

COVID-19 UNTV broadcast engineer

Global Think Tank Virtual Town Discussion

Over 250 participants from over 50 countries participated in the Lauder Institute’s Think Tanks & Civil Societies Programme webinar.