Two day training with 40 CAR women and young females leaders
Equipping female leaders with the required technical capacity to train others on the inclusion of women and girls in CAR's ...
Equipping female leaders with the required technical capacity to train others on the inclusion of women and girls in CAR's ...
Increasing CAR Governors’ capacity to support local implementation of the Political Agreement for Peace and Reconciliation.
Working with journalists, civil society organizations and government in Southern Africa to improve the quality of reporting on xenophobia.
Event highlighting that programming in a COVID-19 context must be alive to the contextual reality we find ourselves in and ...
The discussions in the IGD noted that the average Motswana is twenty-four years old, but the average decision maker in ...
The IGD identified the key roles and activities that African youth in diaspora can play to promote and advance the ...
The dialogue discussed issues relating to the dynamics and challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic, projected progress towards achieving the ...
Panellists discuss how UNSCR 1325 was meant to increase women’s participation in the decision-making processes as well as preventing ...
The IGD identified the key roles and activities that Southern African youth can play to advance the STG agenda; as ...
Exploring priorities in the post-COVID era, and what local and regional government constituencies need in order to move forward.
The IGD identified the key roles and activities that North African youth can play to advance the STG agenda; as ...
Many recommendations came out this IGD, but most were centred around ensuring youth participation, creating a collective, youth-driven vision for ...
A number of recommendations were made during the IGD by the panellists in the areas of STG, employment and ...
The IGD identified the key roles and activities that Central African youth can play to advance the STG agenda; as ...
Virtual forum exploring leadership accountability for the implementation of the women, peace and security agenda during the COVID-19 pandemic and ...
The IGD identified the key roles and activities that East African youth can play to advance the STG agenda; as ...
The IGD identified the key roles and activities that West African youth can play to advance the STG agenda; as ...
Malian women leaders presented on the current situation in the country, their ongoing mediation efforts, and the actions they have ...