The African Union Peace Support Operations Division (AU – PSOD) in collaboration with ACCORD conducted an African Standby Force (ASF) Civilian Dimension Technical Rostering Workshop from 1 – 3 July 2009 in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
The Workshop was convened to implement the decisions of the 6th Meeting of African Chiefs of Defence, Staff and Heads of Safety and Security, and the 3rd Ordinary Meeting of the Specialized Technical Committee on Defence, Safety and Security, to design an ASF Roster based on the discussions of the AU ASF Staffing, Training and Rostering (STR) Workshop that took place in Kampala from 10 – 12 July 2008.
Participants included representatives from the AU Commission and the African Union Mission for Somalia (AMISOM), the Regional Standby Forces (RSFs), members of the African Peace Support Trainers’ Association (APSTA), and international rosters such as the African Civilian Standby Roster for Humanitarian and Peace Building Missions (AFDEM), the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC), Register of Engineers for Disaster Relief (RedR), and the Hiroshima Peacebuilders Centre (HPC).
The Workshop discussed that the AU/RECs/RMs establish an ASF Civilian Standby Roster with the aim of enabling the timely deployment of civilian personnel for African Peace Support Operations (PSOs). The general consensus was that one coherent and integrated Roster be established with the AU as overall coordinator with each of the RECs/RMs responsible for their respective parts of the Roster, ensuring they develop and manage it in close cooperation with the respective Human Resources departments of the AU and RECs/RMs.
For further information on the course, please contact Mr. Zinurine Alghali on