ACCORD Hosts Peacebuilding Workshop in DRC

From 23-24 July 2008 the African Peacebuilding Coordination Programme at ACCORD hosted a Peacebuilding Consultative Workshop in Goma, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), for stakeholders to the peacebuilding process in the DRC.

The workshop brought together 27 representatives of the Government of the DRC, the United Nations Mission in the DRC (MONUC), United Nations Country Team Agencies, Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs), civil society, academia, the media, the National Police Services, and the legislature to discuss the peacebuilding process in Liberia. The workshop served to provide a review of the peacebuilding process to date, to identify the roles played and responsibilities held by different actors in the peacebuilding process, to identify challenges which were being encountered, and to generate recommendations for how these challenges could be overcome.

The workshop served to provide a space for peacebuilding actors to engage with one another and to learn from one another, to review the peacebuilding process, and to generating recommendations that will drive the peacebuilding process forwards in a sustainable way.


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