ACCORD Programme

ACCORD Peace Actors’ Network (ACCPAN)

ACCORD would like to present the networks of local and national peace actors with the opportunity to develop their capacities and capabilities in Conflict Prevention, Conflict Management and Conflict Resolutions. The strengthening of networks of local and national peace actors would ensure that holistic approaches are considered when responding to conflict.


The African Centre for the Constructive Resolution of Disputes (ACCORD) is a South African-based civil society organisation working throughout Africa to bring creative African solutions to the challenges posed by conflict on the continent. ACCORD’s primary aim is to influence political developments across the continent by bringing conflict resolution, dialogue and institutional development to the forefront as an alternative to armed violence and protracted conflict.

The rapid spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the measures to contain it have exacerbated existing social, political, economic and environmental vulnerabilities across Africa. The pandemic has also exacerbated conflict in countries where conflict was already present, and in countries that were vulnerable to conflict. In addition, several relatively stable countries can now be classified as conflict vulnerable as a consequence of COVID-19. ACCORD’s ongoing tracking and analysis of the impact of the pandemic on conflict and resilience in Africa has identified twelve countries as at 20 May 2020 that may be especially vulnerable to COVID-19 related social unrest, and in some cases, violent conflict adding additional layers of stress to governance systems that are already under pressure. Although the medium to longer-term impact on peace and security is difficult to predict at this stage, we know that these conflicts will increasingly require the capabilities and capacities of local and national peace actors to prevent, mitigate, and resolve conflicts. As part of its response, ACCORD will continue to host a series of virtual training webinars and lecture series aimed at strengthening the capacities of regional, national, and local actors to prevent and manage conflicts.

In accordance with the above ACCORD would like to present the networks of local and national peace actors with the opportunity to strengthen their capacities and capabilities in Conflict Prevention, Conflict Management, and Conflict Resolution. The strengthening of networks of local and national peace actors would ensure that holistic approaches are considered when responding to conflict. Therefore, if you are a peace and security practitioner, civil society actor, community leader, government functionary, or academic, we invite you to join the opportunities that are in the following thematic areas:

Conflict AnalysisPeace and Technology
Conflict ManagementConflict Prevention
Negotiation and MediationPeace and Faith
Peace and Development/PCRDClimate Change/Conservationist
Human Rights and Humanitarian InterventionViolent Extremism
Youth, Peace and SecurityTreaties and Agreements
Peacekeeping and PeacebuildingEarly Warning and Response
Women, Peace and SecurityResearch

Why you should join the Peace Actors’ Network

The Network is a platform for sharing knowledge, information and exchanging ideas amongst local and national peace actors. The network is also a collective effort of institutions that seeks to discuss, research, and address African and global challenges. Furthermore, the network will be presented with opportunities: to attend numerous trainings and live webinars; to conduct relevant research, and; to further the personal development of individuals.

If you would like to be part of the vision and want to strengthen and consolidate the continental conflict prevention network, we invite you to join us HERE to:

  • Become an Associate of the ACCORD Early Warning and Response Network (eWarn) to share and receive regular early warning of conflict incidents;
  • Become part of ACCORD’s Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding Network (CPPN). Receive mediation tips and short courses in conflict management, and share your own ideas, tips and innovations for preventing or managing conflicts.

Share your ideas, thoughts and analysis by writing in ACCORD’s publications (COVID-19 Think Pieces, Conflict Trends, African Journal on Conflict Resolution, Occasional Paper Series).

  • Early Warning Network
  • Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding Network
  • Trainers Network
  • Research opportunities
  • Conflict Management Training Offerings

Application process

Please complete the application form below.