Conflict management and mediation training in Angola

ACCORD’s Angola Country Programme, Building Peace and Democracy in Angola: Enhancing Capacity for Managing Conflict, will host a conflict management and mediation training in Luanda, Angola, from 16-20 October 2006. This activity is part of the overall objective of the Programme to build the capacity of civil society to respond to conflict.

 The training will include both basic and advanced sessions in conflict management, negotiation and mediation.

The objectives of the course are:

  • To improve the ability of civil society representatives to identify disputes, assess the situation and design appropriate responses before dispute situations develop into violent conflict;
  • To enhance the understanding of the role of negotiation and mediation in conflict management;
  • To develop teams of conflict management practitioners and facilitators; and
  • To build the capacity of local civil society organisations to constructively and effectively engage other key stakeholders and complement the various initiatives contributing to the peace-building process in Angola.

The course will be attended by 25 participants from six provinces plus three representatives from government departments. Participants will come from Luanda (6), Bengo (4), Cuanza Sul (4), Cuanza Norte (4), Uíge (2), and Zaire (2).

The importance of bringing together these different groups of people is to create an appropriate atmosphere for interaction. Furthermore, this will be the beginning of networking among the participants of the peace-building initiatives in their respective organisations and provinces. 

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